Sunday 30 May 2010


We performed a play which we created,called Diwali. It was fun. I got tired of talking after practising several times. We needed to practise a lot so that we were ready for the senior Assembly. My favourite parts were the party poppers and the story of Rama.


Thursday 27 May 2010

Diwali! by Henry

It was really fun preparing the props for the assembly performance. It was really frustrating practising, going over things again and again and adding in important stuff right before the performance.

Day of the Dead by Fergus

My experience in Day of the Dead was very weird but I learnt a lot of new stuff like they make sugar skulls and flythe kites to attract their ancestors. They set up the graveyard and I learnt that they don't sleep in their bed their ancestors do. So they sleep on the floor and they set up a big feast outside their house because they believe that their ancestors eat it.
by Fergus